This Hairbrained Instagram Story (T.H.I.S.) is a series of bizarre fictional stories revolving around 3 interesting friends; Emeka , Rachael and Seun and the activities they engage with even as they navigate life and their relationship with each other. The 1st “THIS” story is called THIS Lockdown and it revolves around the covid-19 lockdown in Lagos Nigeria.

We brought 5 amazing writers together and challenged them to write one bizarre story on Instagram, in 15 parts, over 15 days, that was shared real time with the public as the story was being written. These 5 writers passed the story to one another to continue however they choose to, from wherever the previous person stopped. They went in blind and had to build it up within a 24 hour span. All they had were the names of the 3 characters in the story and a little background history.