Over 9 years ago, I wrote a special series of articles on Sunday for thenakedconvos.com called PHINC! I remember vividly how my friend Wale Adetula called me aside and asked if I would love to do this. He had asked as one who was 100% sure this was meant to happen. It did not feel like a request. It felt like he was a messenger sent with an instruction. He ended the conversation by saying, “You’ve always wanted to write a book, this might help you get there.” I answered the call and began to pour out my mind and heart every Sunday morning. From the deepest places, I shared some things I had learnt in my journey that I believe is critical to living life on purpose and to the fullest. After writing, I would go back to read and would feel like God had taken over my keyboard for those minutes.
PHINC is about purpose. PHINC is about living life on Purpose. PHINC is about greatness. You cannot separate purpose and greatness. Everyone who is living life on purpose is living life and being great. The more that they push the boundaries and begin to do all that they are meant to do on this earth, we call their achievements GREAT. This book includes a few of the weekly articles on thenakedconvos and a lot of new ideas. It is straight to the point and with it I share my thoughts in a way that I do not make conclusions but simply lead the reader to the point of conviction.

I want each person to take what I have said and apply it specifically to their own personal journey. Each chapter begins with a definition that captures the lesson within the story and ends with a series of questions in a workbook format. There are 50 thoughts buried within real life stories that happened to me. In the case you are a lazy reader like me, you can take one thought per week and apply the lessons within it. If you plan to go cover to cover, I ask that you take time to pause at the end of each chapter to reflect. Whichever one you are, let this book bring the best out of you.

The treasures within you cannot be excavated using a shallow process. I do not believe that you can find true treasure with a surface scan. You must scan and dig deep. I ask some tough but needful questions. This book will dig deep and pull out amazing things out of you. I guarantee that you will be amazed at the person you will become and the things you will achieve by the time you are done.

Now let’s begin to PHINC!