Sometimes I decongest by sitting in front of the computer and designing without a plan. I just go with the flow , pour out and see what I end up with. This spontaneous process releases me from being rigid and was how I began to discover my ability to create this style of art. This style is fluid and I go with my gut feeling when drawing out the lines and picking colours for each portion of the art. 

Masks are worn to hide our true identity. I believe that because this is the case , almost everyone wears at least a half mask when they show up in public because they never truly want to give all of themselves to everyone.

I create half masks and full masks which are always made of two half masks. My half mask series are a depiction of the different personalities people project  when they show up. It speaks to the pressure we have as humans to conform to the boxes other people create for us to fit in so we can integrate with them. on the flip side it reminds us that regardless of who we are per time, we must aim to be 100% authentic.